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Our Web3/blockchain (details)

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Our Blockchain

Our Core Motivation

  • We're 100% Transparent and that's the best way to instill confidence in our Team, Investors & all Stakeholders.

  • We DO NOT hide our identities for all the web3 blockchain-based projects we're involved in, whether it's our main Marketplace Tools: CRM, ERP, AI, Blockchain or anything else.

  • Our project is sufficiently de-centralized.

  • We're simplifying all our platform workflows by launching contracts on-chain.

  • Experienced Team of builders.

  • Mission: to develop the Token & its related Blockchain project independently and then connect it to Shopzyte eLe platform to allow it to scale with it.

Our Blockchain

  • Our current Layer-2 solution is Built on Polygon.

  • It's our current Blockchain integration.

  • Secure cross-chain Polygon API & Bridge.

  • Our own custom Smart Contracts already deployed.

  • Hybrid Web3/3.0 product-led project.

  • Best of Web3 & Web 3.0.

DISCLAIMER: We are in no way connected to the Polygon organization.

Our web3 Apps

  • Custom dApps.

  • Custom Smart Contracts.

  • Custom Functions.

  • Custom API integrations.

๐Ÿ“YOUR Web3 Plus

Our Web3 Solutions

  • Cryptographically-secured using IPFS (Inter-Planetary File System).

  • 100% p2p (peer-to-peer).

  • Permanently available eliminating reliance on centralized servers.

  • Nodes use public-key cryptography to sign their communications, ensuring tamper-proof provenance.

  • All our Web3 sites are tied to a cryptographic key, an internet wide unique identifier to verify content authenticity.

  • Built-in native blocks for integrating with smart contracts on EVM compatible networks (we use Polygon mainnet).

  • Whenever we create or update content, it gets a unique digital signature that proves it's really from us i.e. every time we make a change, a new certificate of authenticity is issued, so everyone knows where the content came from. This enhances trust and protects intellectual property rights.

๐ŸŸข New! ON

Our Tokens

Our Tokens/Extras (& more!)
  • Unique & useful Token(s)

  • Dual SRBM mechanism

  • Fixed supply (initial minted only).

  • No new minting (function locked).

  • Burnable

    • (community governance, when/how much)

    • Active Burn events.

  • (see below for more uniqueness!)

  • Mineable

  • For unique use-cases...

    • Bulk-Sell (aka wholesale)

    • Retail (general supply-chains)

    • Token can be utilized across supply-chains.

    • (i.e. see Whitepaper for more)

  • Secure cross-chain bridge.

  • Secure on-chain

  • Built on Polygon Layer-2 Blockchain.

  • Invest [see terms in Invest (admin)]

  • Airdrops (i.e. receive FREE Tokens!)

  • Tokenomics (clear, concise)

  • (aka explains Token "utility" or its raison d'etre)

  • Whitepaper

  • DeFi dApps

Our Offers

  • (when and where available, geographically)

  • Full Invest Admin System ready & LIVE.

  • Simple Premise

    • Invest in the Shopzyte brand by Lisaiceland.

    • Get corporate shares.

    • Get FREE Tokens as special Airdrop.

    • Get more FREE Tokens in other Airdrops.

    • Buy more Tokens if you want!

  • EDGAR listed & verifiable always.

  • SEC RegC-compliant investment offering(s).

  • Buy, Invest & Referral system.


  • On-going blockchain-based integrations, upgrades.

  • These services are a critical addition to all our products & services across ALL Shopzyte Partnered Products & Services.

  • Are we a DAO? Good question. See more...


What's in it for me?

  • It will enable YOU i.e. the eCom SELLER using our platform to establish a powerful immutable (unchangeable), secure and verified presence planetwide.

  • All Users & Stakeholders can invest and participate in our ICO/ITOs or IEO/IDOs.

  • YOUR eCom business can leverage BOTH latest web3 & web 3.0 tech.

  • ALL transaction data FULLY de-id(entified) before posts onto the blockchain.

  • More innovative features explained in our Whitepaper.


  • Our whitepaper explains the utility of our custom Blockchain with Tokenomics.

  • All its Web3 integrations are explained clearly.

  • It details the tech and purpose of the project we developed.

  • It tells all stakeholders how our custom blockchain/network works.

  • We explain as a follow-on for the cryptocurrency (aka token) that will be built.

  • The goal of this info is to educate all prospective future stakeholders, investors & users.



Our Tokens/Extras (& more!)


  • Users can create account and login to dashboard.

  • All payments are handled by Coinbase and PayPal.

  • Users can buy token quantity using available swap methods.

  • Users can (when & where available) invest in tokens through our ICO/ITO/STOs and/or IEO/IDOs.

  • If tokens(s) is/are already released, users (yes that means YOU!) can buy from us directly at a discount or from swap exchanges.

  • Users can buy tokens at different levels of network evolution & progress.

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...where is it used?

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ยฉ Copyright 2024 Shopzyte (brand) Partnered Brand Marketplace Tools by Lisaiceland (DBA). Proudly made with ๐Ÿ’žin the USA. An opensource partnered project that has AI with Blockchain, and a mainstay climate mitigation feature. All registrations and rights are protected and reserved worldwide.

Last updated