NFTs Changelog

12 Mar 2023

  • Go-LIVE DONE on 3/12/23: ON

  • Target was March 15, 2023.

7 Mar 2023

  • Iteration 1 2023 complete.

  • Bug fixes complete.

2 Dec 2022

  • FIX – Fixed Collection Total volume and Floor volume issues.

  • FIX – Fixed single NFT, NFT id on Matic Chain.

  • FIX – Fixed Create NFT collection fetching issues.

25 Nov 2022

  • FIX – Fixed double image in single NFT in case of audio files.

  • FIX – Fixed alternate preview issue in 3d files.

24 Nov 2022

  • NEW – Dark version: Added dark version of the plugin and dark and light version switcher in the settings page

  • NEW – 3D Models – Added GLB and GLTF support for NFT media upload.

  • FIX – Single NFT likes – Fixed single NFT likes/love issues that was in the previous version.

  • FIX – Collection social profiles..

  • FIX – NFT upload size in Media and uploads.

  • FIX – Minor styling issues.

15 Nov 2022

  • NEW – Single NFT history – Added NFT history tab in single NFT. For single NFT data sync Go to settings > Tools > Update Single NFT

  • NEW – NFT file size – You can define the max file upload size for creating NFTs / Minting NFTs.

  • FIX – NFT price USD conversion – Fixed NFT price USD conversion issues previously mainly on the Matic chain.

  • FIX – Listing price percentage issue, if price limit exceeds 10^18 decimal point.

  • FIX – Hidden NFTs were visible in the NFT grid element.

  • FIX – Blank NFT page on first install

  • FIX – Dashboard NFT list pagination issue.

  • FIX – Collection carousel blank profile/cover image issue.

  • FIX – Transfer token popup – removed dummy test.

31 Oct 2022

  • NEW – Split Payment – Split payments into multiple wallet addresses and earn a % share from primary and royalties from secondary sales.

  • NEW – Transfer Token – Users can transfer or gift a token to their chosen wallet address and change ownership.

  • NEW – Burn Token – Destroys or burns a token/NFT.

  • NEW – Add Custom Network – Users can add their custom EVM-based ERC/BEP-721 networks on the deploy contract page

  • NEW – Profile Social Networks – Added 12 types of social profile links on the profile page.

  • NEW – Price in Fiat currency: Shows price in fiat currency against a crypto-currency (i.e: ETH/USD, BNB/USD, MATIC/USD, etc.) on a single NFT page.

  • UPDATE – Universal metadata structures for all NFTs. Compatible with open-sea, rarible, looksrare

  • UPDATE – Warning notification message.

  • FIX- Single NFT page image height issues.

  • FIX- Listing price issues on the Create-NFT page.

  • FIX- Universal metadata structures for all NFTs. Compatible with open-sea, rarible, looksrare

15 Oct 2022

  • NEW – Platform / Listing Fees – Earn from your smart contracts by applying charges on minting NFTs on Smart NFT built platform

  • NEW – Royalties – Users create NFTs, Set Royalties, and earn a lifetime from the resources they created.

  • NEW – Profile – Changed profile page layout, Added tabs and filter in profile NFTs.

  • NEW – Custom Token Tracker and Symbol – You can give your smart contract a custom token tracker and symbol name

  • NEW – Withdraw button – Withdraw contract balance to your wallet.

  • UPDATE – Custom fees counter on create NFT page

10 Oct 2022

  • NEW – Collection- Create collection, All collections, Single collections

  • NEW – Category – Create a category from admin, Select category while creating nfts, single category.

  • NEW – Profile – Changed profile page layout, Added tabs and filter in profile nfts.

  • NEW – Infinite scroll – Added infinite scrolls on all nft, collections, and categories pages.

  • NEW – Added Collection list in all nft filters.

  • NEW – Updated skeleton loader for all components.

  • NEW – Media support – Mp3, Mp4, Avif, Webp.

  • UPDATE – Update mobile filter UI.

  • UPDATE – Optimization of images and scripts, 10x faster loaded this time.

NFT Mkt (dev)πŸ“NFTsIntegrationsTesting

Last updated