Crypto Server
Deactivation Bug Fixed bug.
CMS Bug Fixed.
Bug Fixed bug related to explorers.
New feature Bitcoin Lightning Network support.
New feature Address generation via address list.
Bug Fixed bug related to wrong random cryptocurrency amounts.
Bug Fixed bug related to USDT on BSC.
Bug Fixed bug related to address generation.
New feature Bitcoin address generation via xpub key without a node.
New feature Generate payment requests on the fly.
Optimization Mobile version improvements.
Optimization Debug mode improvements.
Optimization Cancelled transactions are now deleted automatically.
API New P-API function 'bxc_btc_generate_address_xpub_node()'.
Bug Fixed bug related to redirect on payment complete.
Bug Fixed bug related to USDT on Tron.
Bug Fixed bug related to REST API.
New feature Shopify integration.
New feature Option to add a note to dynamic checkouts.
New feature Cron job to complete transaction also if the user close the checkout page.
New feature Transactions created using integrations like WHMCS, WooCommerce and others will include a note showing the linked order ID.
New feature New blockchain explorer: Tatum.
New feature Bitcoin address generation via xpub key.
Optimization MetaMask button is now hidden if MetaMask is not available.
Optimization Custom tokens contract address field added. If your custom token is not a famous token you need to set the contract address.
Optimization New explorer added: BlockCypher.
Api New PHP API functions 'bxc_crypto_get_decimals()', 'bxc_transactions_check_pending()'.
Api New JS API AJAX function 'get-transaction'.
Api New WEB API functions 'get-transaction', 'check-pending-transactions'.
Bug Fixed bug related to ERC-20 tokens FIAT values.
Bug Fixed bug related to checkout saving.
Bug Fixed bug related to plugin activation when Easy Digital Downloads is active.
New feature When a transaction is manually marked as completed the webhook is sent and the linked order completed.
New feature Option to load a custom CSS file in the payment page.
New feature Added support for MetaMask.
New feature Added support for the following cryptocurrencies: TETHER ON BSC Network, XRP.
New feature Option to hide the QR code.
New feature Option to add unlimited custom tokens.
New feature All settings are now encrypted.
New feature Open Cart integration.
New feature WHMCS integration.
New feature Set language of pay.php page via URL with the attribute 'lang=LANGUAGE_CODE'.
New feature Payment link for pending transactions.
New feature Email notifications.
New feature Advenced decentralized features powered by your BTC and ETH nodes: option to generate a new address for each checkout, to automatically convert the received crypto to another token, and to automatically transfer the received crypto to another address.
New feature Advenced features powered by Coinbase: option to generate a new address for each checkout, to automatically convert the received crypto to FIAT, and to automatically transfer the received crypto to another address.
Optimization The QR code now includes address and amount.
Optimization Internal QR code generation for improved security.
Optimization Dedicated transaction details area.
Optimization Billing is now shown automatically if the billing details are saved. Option to close the billing area.
Optimization WooCommerce order status changed from 'on-hold' to 'processing'.
Api New PHP API functions 'bxc_get_cryptocurrency_codes()', 'bxc_payment_link()', 'bxc_get_custom_tokens()', 'bxc_settings_get_address()', 'bxc_eth_swap()', 'bxc_eth_transfer()', 'bxc_eth_get_contract()', 'bxc_eth_wait_confirmation()', 'bxc_eth_curl()', 'bxc_eth_get_transactions_after_timestamp()', 'bxc_eth_generate_address()', 'bxc_eth_get_balance()', 'bxc_btc_generate_address()', 'bxc_btc_generate_address_xpub()', 'bxc_btc_transfer()', 'bxc_btc_get_utxo()', 'bxc_btc_curl()'.
Api New REST API functions 'get-cryptocurrency-codes', 'payment-link', 'get-custom-tokens', 'settings-get-address', 'eth-swap', 'eth-transfer', 'eth-get-contract', 'eth-wait-confirmation', 'eth-curl', 'eth-get-transactions-after-timestamp', 'eth-generate-address', 'eth-get-balance', 'btc-generate-address', 'btc-generate-address-xpub', 'btc-transfer', 'btc-get-utxo', 'btc-curl'.
Api PHP API function 'bxc_crypto_convert_to_fiat()' renamed to 'bxc_crypto_convert()'.
Api Removed JS API function 'webhook'.
Bug Fixed bug related to Easy Digital Downloads credit card form.
Bug Fixed bug related to all payments.
Bug Fixed bug related to language settings.
Bug Fixed bug related to FIAT payments.
Bug Fixed bug related to pay what you want amount.
Bug Fixed bug related to installation error messages.
Bug Fixed bug related to checkout error messages.
Bug Fixed bug related to the custom token feature.
New feature Option to use cryptocurrencies as the main checkout currency.
Api REST API released.
Api New PHP API function bxc_account().
Bug Fixed bug related balance links.
Bug Fixed bug related to donation amount field.
Bug Fixed bug related to some explorers.
New feature Added VAT support.
New feature New explorer added:
New feature Added support for Easy Digital Downloads in the WooCommerce version.
Optimization Improved 'Pay as you want' box design.
Api New argument 'vat' for the PHP API function bxc_transactions_create().
Api New PHP API functions bxc_vat(), bxc_vat_validation().
Api New JS API AJAX functions 'vat', 'vat-validation'.
Bug Fixed bug related to Bitcoin transactions.
New feature Added support for the following cryptocurrencies: BUSD, TETHER ON TRX, BNB, LTC, BCH, USDC.
New feature Security feature to validate the addresses.
New feature Advanced features powered by Gemini: option to generate a new address for each checkout, to automatically convert the received crypto to FIAT, and to automatically transfer the received crypto to another address.
New feature Option to collapse the checkout.
New feature Option to view the full description of a transaction.
Optimization Partial payment detection.
Optimization Transactions search now include more fields.
Api New P-API functions bxc_usd_rates(), bxc_exchange_rates(), bxc_crypto_whitelist_invalid(), bxc_is_address_generation(), bxc_crypto_transfer(), bxc_crypto_convert_to_fiat().
Info Purchase code is now required to access the admin area.
Bug Fixed bug related to responsive issues on mobile devices.
Bug Fixed bug related to balance linking.
Bug Fixed bug related to WooCommerce order processing.
Bug Fixed bug related to random crypto amounts.
Optimization A note with the transaction ID is added to the WooCommerce order.
Api New PHP API function bxc_gemini_curl().
Bug Fixed bug related to random amount values.
Bug Fixed bug related to automatic updates.
New feature Option to change the transaction status to completed, refunded, or pending.
New feature Invoice generation.
Api New argument 'billing' for the PHP API function bxc_transactions_create() and JS API AJAX function 'create-transaction'.
Api New PHP API functions bxc_transactions_random_amount(), bxc_transactions_update(), bxc_transactions_download(), bxc_transactions_invoice(), bxc_stripe_payment(), bxc_stripe_curl(), bxc_verifone_create_checkout(), bxc_verifone_curl().
Api New JS API AJAX functions 'update-transaction', 'get-transactions', 'download-transactions', 'invoice'.
Bug Fixed bug related to shortcode position.
Bug Fixed bug related to the checkout creation_time db table.
Bug Fixed bug related to payment confirmation refresh.
Bug Fixed bug related to custom redirect.
New feature Accept Google Pay payments via Stripe.
New feature Accept credit and debit card payments via Stripe or Verifone.
New feature Option to change the colors of the admin area.
New feature Option to change the logos in the admin area and set a logo on the payment page.
New feature Option to include custom CSS and JS files in the admin area.
Bug Fixed bug related to CMS resource loading.
Bug Fixed bug related to the currencies list.
Bug Fixed bug related to CMS conflicts with other JS scripts.
Bug Fixed bug related to direct payment page.
New feature Reporting and accounting tools.
New feature Option to add your ERC-20 token to the supported cryptocurrencies for payments.
New feature Option to force payment in a specific cryptocurrency via URL.
New feature Added support for 'Algorand', 'Tether', 'USD Coin', 'Basdic Attention Token', 'Chainlink', 'Shiba Inu' cryptocurrencies.
Optimization Removed the JQuery dependency.
Optimization Nalances are now linked to the explorers.
Optimization Transactions are now linked to the explorers.
Api New PHP API function 'bxc_settings_db()'.
Bug Fixed bug related to WCS checkout
Bug Fixed bug related to Blockchain explorers.
Bug Fixed bug related to Dogecoin transactions.
Bug Fixed issue related to transactions pagination.
Initial release.
Last updated
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