Blockchain/Web3 (changelog)

Changelog for Blockchain, Token & Coin.

31 March 2023

  • Maintenance completed.

20 March 2023

  • Burn test successful for Token.

  • Transfer test successful for Token.

18 March 2022

  • Burn feature updated.

  • Transfer feature updated.

16 March 2023

  • Custom Token infrastructure launched.

Token (get FREE!)πŸ“

7 Mar 2023

  • Full v7 Release Target.

21 Feb 2023

  • (v7 parallel build confirmed)

01 Dec 2022

  • (v2.0.0)

06 June 2022

  • (v1.0.0)

  • Initial scaffold completed.

The Core Project Scaffold

  • 100% in-house built and custom-coded from scratch.

  • Included transactions in core blocks of the chain.

  • Created a Transaction Pool for a real-time list of incoming data.

  • Signed Transactions with cryptography and digital signature.

  • Implemented a proof-of-work algorithm.

  • Created a real-time connected peer-to-peer (p2p) server with a pub/sub implementation.

  • Created an API around the Blockchain.

  • Deployed app to production (with multiple servers).

  • Created a full frontend web app.

  • Built a Blockchain that's fully OOP-compliant.

  • Wrote a full test suite for the backend & deployed.

  • The entire codebase is fully test-driven.

  • Designed, coded & built a full-on backend.

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Last updated