v6 2022 to 2023


17 Feb 2023

[sunset] v6 merged into v7 i.e. B2C Marketplace version 7 (v7)

πŸ“ B2C

version : v6.5.0.i2 (30/01/2023)

  • Completed our custom Blockchain v1-6 and in beta testing. On-going tweaks.

  • Complete our AI Generator 1-6 and in beta testing. On-going tweaks.

  • Crowdfunding docs v1-6 complete. v6 WIP delivery ETA February 15, 2023.

  • KYC AML docs complete and published.

  • All Policies updated.

  • More changes to sites and apps completed.

  • More bugs fixed.

  • System Uptime site updated with security updates.

  • Roadmap updated.

  • New Marketing Integrations are almost complete version 6.

version : v6.5.0.i.1 (31/01/2022)

  • Improved all sites performance and security.

  • Improved all apps performance and security.

  • Improved integrations.

  • Improved AI algorithms.

  • Added stand-alone Accept Crypto Payments app.

  • Added stand-alone Loyalty Rewards app.

  • Added stand-alone Profile Creations app.

  • Added stand-alone vCards app.

  • Added AI Generator app.

  • Added stand-alone Forms Creation app.

  • Added Domains Registration app.

  • Added 25% discounts across the board for all subscriptions.

  • Created more explainer videos.

  • Created more Custom Content.

  • Important bug fixing.

version : v6.5.0 (28/12/2022)

  • Add functionalities for Khalti Payment Gateway

  • Add functionalities for SPARROW SMS Gateway

  • Add functionalities for Club Point Add-on v1.6

  • Add a new option to set currency code for iyzico Payment Gateway

  • Important bug fixing.

version : v6.4.0 (05/12/2022)

  • Added a new option for setting default Google map location

  • Added Apple signin option

  • Account delete option implemented for customers in the system

  • Important bug fixing.

version : v6.3.3 (08/11/2022)

  • MyFatoorah Payment Gateway added in Asian Payment Gateway add-on

  • Compatible with Asian Payment Gateway add-on version 1.5

  • Compatible with Seller Subscription add-on version 1.8

  • Important bug fixing.

version : v6.3.2 (02/11/2022)

  • Added a New Button in Addon Manager (Admin Panel) For Activate Add-ons

  • Bulk Delete Option added in Uploaded Files Delivery Option of Digital Products removed from checkout Process

  • Added Base URL option in MiMSMS gateway as per their documentation

  • Important bug fixing.

version : v6.3.1 (27/09/2022)

  • Add the best matching sorting option in the product search results

  • Give expand/collapse option in product search filter section

  • Important bug fixing in Role Permission features

version : v6.3.0 (06/09/2022)

  • Reorganized Role Permission System

  • Minor Bug Fixing

version : v6.2.0 (29/08/2022)

  • Add carrier based shipping method

  • Minor Bug Fixing

version : v6.1.5 (14/08/2022)

  • Compatible with Flutter App 3.1.0

  • Important Bug Fixing

version : v6.1.4 (28/07/2022)

  • Add SKU option in order detail & invoice

  • Important Bug Fixing

version : v6.1.3 (26/07/2022)

  • Compatible with seller app

  • Added country in reset password for mobile number

  • Important Bug Fixing

version : v6.1.2 (04/07/2022)

  • Add product query section

  • Add merchant Invoice Number in Bkash payment gateway as per their documentation

  • Important Bug Fixing

version : v6.1.1 (05/06/2022)

Improvements & Bug solving

  • Can add notes or additional information while checkout

  • Cart system reorganized

  • Important Bug Fixing

version : v6.1 (28/04/2022)

Improvements & Bug solving

  • Important Bug Fixing

version : v6.0 (18/04/2022)

Improvements & Bug solving

  • Separate seller panel

  • Now review system available on customer order detail

  • Admin can set minimum purchase amount

  • Admin can set minimum seller withdrawal amount

  • SKU and Tags options are given into product bulk upload

  • Important Bug Fixing

v6 Details

Last updated