B2B (changelog +dev)


12 March 2023

  • Maintenance complete.

15 Feb 2023

(v7.1.1.1 - Enhancements)

  • Improvements to Stripe orders in backend: added direct link to transaction and more error info in order notes in case of failed payments.

  • Added ability to quickly “deactivate” a vendor, by simply changing their vendor group to “no group(inactive)”. When this happens, their store will no longer be visible. Their products will remain visible but not purchasable.

  • Added customer order notes to the order management page in the vendor dashboard

  • Added “Remove Product Tabs” option at the group level to allow removing certain edit product tabs for specific groups. Only works for some plugins' and themes' tabs.

  • When using “Price based on country” plugin, it will now calculate earnings in the default currency of the site by applying the exchange rate, in order to keep calculations correct.

  • No stock / low stock email notifications now go to each vendor for their own products.

  • Added RTL support to vendor dashboard


  • Styling fix for WCS Product Add-Ons integration

  • Fixed issues with ‘Name your price’ integration

  • Fixed bug with SPMV module that did not allow clearing vendors + did not remove product when in Trash

10 Feb, 2023

(v7.1.1.0m is a major Iteration/update match with v7.1.1.0m

  • v7 release beta ready for production complete.

  • Under stress tests.

  • Initial documentation created.

  • Added: all internal Development docs moved to central repo.

January 14th, 2023

New features:
- Added more Modules integrations.
- New email: "New product requires approval" - sent to the admin
when a vendor submits a product that needs approval.
- New email: "Your product has been approved" - sent to the vendor
when the admin has approved their product.
- New email message: "You have a new withdrawal request" message
is sent to admin when a vendor requests a withdrawal.
- Added option for admin to be exclusive shipping fee recipient
(for cases where admin does the shipping).
- Added new option for 'Commission Invoices'. It is now possible
to enable commission invoices in MKP -> Settings,
and vendors+admin can download invoices with the seller's commission. 
Currently only works with WpOvernight PDF invoices.

- "Received" column now added to orders page to easily 
show which orders have been marked as received by the customer.
- The admin user vendor can now buy their own products
- Links in 'order' emails now go to vendor dashboard when vendor not admin

- Fixed issue where emails would not be sent.
- Deprecated functions fix
- Fixed bug with dropdown selections in vendor dashboard
Template Updates:
- Store Page 1.1.7

December 26th, 2022

- Added feature that allows making specific shipping methods admin-only
(in MKP -> Settings -> Vendor Capabilities)
- Better currency handling in vendor dashboard

- Fixed bug where payouts template could not be overwritten.
- Fixed license activation issues
- Fixed jQuery sortable JS error
- Fixed issue where product ownership could get mixed across admin users, leading to wrong split orders
- Fixed issue where sub-orders could not be completed because of payment capture errors.
- Performance fix for site backend 
- Fixed issue where products could not be added by a vendor to their own store if not purchasable
- Fixed membership packs bug where not all packs would be dispalyed
- Fixed attributes import issue
- Fixed payouts page error bug

Template Changes:
- Fix for reviews in store-page template
- Update memberships template to 1.0.1

December 4th, 2022

- Fixed bug where payouts template could not be overwritten.
- Fixed license activation issues

November 30th, 2022

- Added '[mkp_vendor_reviews]' shortcode, to allow displaying reviews anywhere on the site.
- Added built-in auto-updates and license verification system
- Multiple subscription products can no longer be purchased at the same time
- Updated URLs with new URL constant for easier template usability

- Fixed bug where store profile menu was occasionally replaced with menu
- Fixed bug where order right sidebar would be occasionally inaccessible
- Fixed error when searching for attributes in vendor dashboard
- Fixed issue with Sumo subscriptions integration where failed orders would still 
amount to a vendor group change
- Fixed issue with review pagination when using base store URL

November 4th, 2022

- Vendors can now display youtube videos on their about us page.
- Improvements to store url verification during registration
- Product slugs are now based on product names

- Fix for [mkp_vendors_list] shortcode
- Error fix when submitting reviews
- Error fix related to REST API
- Fixed bug where team members were not able to add new products

October 21st, 2022

- Added compatibility with 'WCS Name Your Price' plugin.
- Additional panel options for integration with B2BK
- Now possible to disable vendors' ability to sell products on backorder at the group level

- Errors and Deprecation Fixes

October 12th, 2022

New Features:
- Added 'Store Categories' module, allowing you to organize vendors by custom defined categories:

- Added setting that allows existing users to apply for a vendor account 
(setting in MKP -> Settings -> Registration)
- Added option for admin to receive all tax
- Tax now visible to vendors in orders table when vendor receives tax
- Improvements to profile icons in bars and messages

- Fix for [mkp_vendors_list] shortcode
- Fixed product import issue with SKU
- Update with fix for Coupon creation in latest WCS 6.9.4 version

Template changes:
- stores-list updated to 1.0.2 (adds support for store categories module)
- store-page updated to 1.1.5 (adds support for store categories module)
- sidebar (adds support for store categories module)
- profile-sidebar updated to 1.0.1 (improvements to profile icons)
- orders updated to 1.0.1 (adds support for tax options)
- header-bar.php updated to 1.0.2

September 30th, 2022

- Fixed issue with product exports
- Minor error fixes

September 28th, 2022

New Features:
- Added setting to allow adding store URLs to base URL (e.g. 
 allows direct store URLs such as yoursite.com/walmart)
- Added [mkp_dashboard_header] shortcode, which allows showing the dashboard header
with messages, announcements, profile anywhere on your site.

- Added Vendor ID to WCS Products Importer and Exporter
- Added automated image resizing for faster image loading
- Implemented simplebar for better sidebar scrolling

- Fixed issue where vendors could not connect to Stripe while in Live mode.
- Minor error fixes in MKP.

Template changes:

- To prevent naming conflicts, MKP templates now have to be added under the theme folder
within a folder named 'mkp'. If you have existing templates under your theme folder, 
please create a 'mkp' folder and moved them inside that folder.

OR alternatively, we can allow the previous behaviour (directly under theme folder), 
by adding this P snippet to the site:

- Added image resizing functions for better performance to:
-- store-page, Store Page template updated to 1.1.0
-- products, Dashboard products template updated to 1.0.1
-- stores-list, Stores list page template updated to 1.0.1

- Updated sidebar, Sidebar template to 1.0.1, implemented simplebar for scrolling

September 15th, 2022

New Features:
- Added ability to control allowed tags by group

- Styling improvements

- Adds support for WCS 6.9.1 - fixes issue with product type dropdown.
- Fixed issue with displaying 'Store Reviews' backend page in WCS 6.7 and above.

September 1st, 2022

New Features:
- Introduced EM module that allows designing the vendor store page with EM

- Vendor dashboard title now follows page title
- Separated product addons as an optional module for vendors - can now be disabled

- Fixed issue with WPML integration and SPMV module
- Fixed issue with changing tab after switching products page (pagination) number 

Template updates:
- (internal testing-only) Store-page updated from 1.0.0 to 1.0.1 - minor update, non-essential

August 26th, 2022

- Creating variations no longer requires saving the product first
- Plugin pages now highlighted in backend -> Pages
- Vendor dashboard favicon can now be configured in setting
- Improved how custom color schemes are applied in vendor dashboard
- Added additional pre-built color scheme options
- Faster backend performance via image preloads
- Improved mobile experience in the vendor dashboard

- Fixed issue where empty products were added in the vendor dashboard, when adding a new product
- Fixed shipping tab bug in vendor dashboard

August 17th, 2022

New Features:
- Introduced  
- Added 'Clone Product' option in vendor dashboard for easier product creation
- Integration with QR Codes plugin 

- Added caching to plugin dashboard data for faster backend performance
- Dashboard UI improvements
- Improved handling of bonus payments
- Attributes can now be configured without saving the product first

- Bug and error fixes
- Fixed dashboard and reports chart draw errors
- Fixed commission error related to partial refunds
- No longer possible to make withdrawal requests exceeding balance

August 6th, 2022

- Added integration with WOOF products filter plugin

- Improvements to Product, Coupon, Team and Order UI in the Dashboard 
- Improvements to Attributes UI in the Vendor Dashboard
- 'Save New Products First' complication has been removed.
- 90% of plugin pages now open with ajax fast loading

- Fixed some linking errors
- Various error and bug fixes

August 1st, 2022

New Features:
- New module: Shipping Tracking - Vendors can add shipping packages. 
Supports DHL, UPS, Fedex, TNT, Royal Mail, USPS, etc. and custom tracking URLs.
- Added compatibility with WebToffee Invoicing plugin, supporting invoices, packing slips, 
shipping labels, etc. 

- Improved compatibility with WCS in vendor dashboard
- Added [mkp_vendors_list] shortcode, that allows showing a specific group of vendors.
Usage example: [marketking_vendors_list group=862]
- Added support for additional code hooks
- Added support for selected HTML tags in vendor about us page.
- Store list and individual store pages templates can now be copied and edited directly
under the theme (or child theme) folder

July 31, 2022


  • Added the ability to set granular and global (macro level) commissions we take out on a per customer AND/OR whole site products, by-a-product only, category basis. Tested and working.

  • cements:

    • Updated all libs, frameworks, themes and all other code enhancements necessary.

July 27, 2022


  • Added Order Progress Bar

  • Added Waiting List feature with update notification system (i.e. out of stock)

  • Added Customer tracking feature with Send Email to boost engagement for heat-mapped area of site visit by buyers

  • Added WooCommerce release cadence update followups integrations

July 26, 2022


  • Added Invoice generation

  • Added Packing Slip generation

  • Integrated Team Members in Vendor dashboard with all required and relevant permissioning working for Vendor/Manufacturer on their end e.g. Order Processor, Support, Manager, etc.

  • Tested order flow to Stripe using dev sandbox = successful

  • Added Stripe ACH and Plaid SDK and readied for API keys insertion and testing once new banking info is set up.

  • Added ACF for: Invoice Number, Vendor Shipped (Y/N), Actions, Sub-Order Of, Popup Viewer for Order (in-line view “eye” icon)

  • Added ACF in admin column for Orders

  • Updated Assigned Admin View with top Toolbar and Admin menu items

  • Fixed PWA settings errors

  • Fixed Trustedsite errors

Version 1.0.76 - July 23rd, 2022

Marketplace Core


  • Introduced support for new filters in the vendor dashboard

  • General improvements to links display


  • Fix for issue where the stores list page was not searchable for logged out users.

  • Fixed issue with country / state selector connection in registration

  • Fixed CSS issue in products page in dashboard

  • Fixed issue where vendors could see products they did not own.

  • Fix for directory overwriting templates for child themes

  • Fixed issue with the display of order items on the manage order page

  • Fixed issue where vendor did not display in admin orders page

  • Fixed conflict with theme on product page in some situations

  • Fixed 'select multiple options' bug for registration fields in backend.

  • Fix for Primrose theme additions to all hooks

  • Fixed error in the vendor dashboard product section related to the Image Gallery section.

Version 1.0.61 - June 21st, 2022

New Features:

  • added ability to copy dashboard files to theme folder to overwrite them

  • added ability to sync with wp roles

  • added shortcode abilities

  • added options to force all products to be virtual (no shipping) for specific vendor groups

  • added options to force all products to be downloadable (digital) for specific vendor groups

  • added option to control whether vendors can select multiple categories for a product per vendor group

  • added option to control whether vendors can add new attributes per vendor group


  • styling improvements and fixes

  • fixed my account errors

  • bug fixes in Marketplace Core plugin/module

  • fixed attributes configuration error

Version 1.0.35 - May 01, 2022

New Features:

  • Added settings at the group level to make all vendor products non-taxable. For example this can be useful if there's a group of retail sellers that should not be able to charge VAT on their products.

  • Added compatibility with WooCommerce Product Addons

  • Added compatibility with Plugin Republic’s Product Addons Ultimate

  • Enhancements:

  • Improvements to mobile dashboard displays


  • Minor bugs fixes

  • Fixed issue where vendors could see other media items not belonging to them

Version 1.0.2 - January 07, 2021

New Features:

  • Added compatibility with WooCommerce PDF Vouchers plugin

  • Added integration with YITH POS plugin: orders placed via POS for products that belong to multiple vendors are split into multiple sub-orders.


  • Fixed single product multiple vendors array_merge query error

  • Fixed minor errors and notices

Version 1.0.0 - April 09, 2020

  • Initial Release (core modules = 3)

  • Multiple modules to add security added

  • Multiple modules for many other numerous headless backend features

Version 0.1.0 Alpha - Jan 31, 2019

  • Initial Release 2019

Last updated