v7 2023 to 2024





Product name


May, 2023

Mobile App


April/May, 2023

Point of Sale (POS) Addon


April, 2023

Business to Business (B2B) Addon


Nov 2023

Affiliate System Addon



Delivery Man App



Seller App


Active Development


30 Nov 2023

New Features:

  • Introduced improved customer list feature within the vendor/seller panel.


  • Implemented automated update processes for both files and databases.

  • Improved the design of payment logos during checkout.

  • Enhanced restrictions within the vendor panel.

  • Revamped the design of system upgrade and system information interfaces.

  • Conducted checks to ensure the modules directory's writability.

  • Redesigned the addon manager interface for better user accessibility.

  • Addressed file inclusion issues encountered during addon activation.

  • Introduced a separate addon dedicated to enhancing system performance.


  • Resolved the issue in the homepage builder's call-to-action section.

  • Rectified issues associated with account deletion processes.

  • Addressed issues regarding shipping location within specific zones.

  • Improved the design of order pdf for better clarity and presentation.

  • Rectified issues present within the order status section of the admin panel.

  • Fixed problems related to date formatting.

  • Resolved issues with the role creation loader.

02 April 2023

  • System Upgrade Module

  • Category Index Page

  • MTN MoMo Payment Gateway

  • Paytm Payment Gateway

  • Vogue Pay Payment Gateway

  • Product Export

  • Guest Order

  • Dynamically Allow File Types, including ZIP

  • Added Estimated Delivery Date in Order Details

  • Added Group Product

  • Added Export Products on Vendor Panel


  • Refund Issue if Vendor Does Not Exist

  • Email Configuration Issue

  • Fixed Coinbase Issue

  • Fixed PayPal Issues

  • Variable Product Price & Sort by Filter Issue

  • Pages Responsive Issue

  • File Size Limit Extended to More than 20 MB

  • Ticket Reply View, Priority is Not Changing Issue

  • Fixed Order Confirmation Redirect Issue if the Email is Not Configured

  • Tax Delete Issue

  • Kenya Currency Symbol Issue

  • Rating Issue

  • Order Reference Prefix Change Issue

  • Checkout Issue While Thousand Separator Dot


  • Removed Unnecessary Tags

  • Removed Store Name Empty Space on URL

  • Refactored License Validation Message

  • Can Add Zip Code Input Numbers and Strings on Address

  • Use Product Thumbnail on Search Page

  • Removed Unnecessary Files and Directories.

31 March 2023

  • Target maintenance completion.

  • Listed in Tracker.

22 Feb 2023

  • External links opening in same browser tabs.

  • (to avoid any collision of Vendor & User-access issues)

  • Import Products using .csv.

21 Feb 2023

  • v7.1.1.1 delivered.

  • (v7.1.1.1 released by Feb 21, 2023)

  • (v7.1.1.0 released by Feb 15, 2023)

  • (v6 in production v6 as of Jan. 31, 2023)

  • (beta v7.1.1.0: Backend, frontend and 3 mobile apps completed as of Feb 7, 2023.)

18 Feb 2023

  • Added All external links open in new browser tab.

  • Added Make all web panels PWAs and check for responsiveness across all devices.

  • Added As Admin, I must be able to change site logo, favicon.

  • Added Give Admin the ability to make coupons apply to seller subscription plans.

  • Added Make all web panels responsive.

  • Added As Admin, I must be able to change footer logo and copyright notice.

  • Added As Admin, I must be able to edit homepage content for ALL sections, including ALL images.

  • Added Give seller the ability to add staff as users with roles and permissions. This should be connected to the main SaaS superadmin settings for seller/shop.

  • Added Fix and/all bugs as we find them.

  • Added Twilio to SMS provider.

  • Added payouts Added for B2C Sellers: PayPal, Bank

  • Added payouts using PayPal, Bank and Stripe for B2B.

  • Added As Admin, I should have the ability to add a menu item (external URL that opens in a new tab) connected to the main SaaS superadmin settings for seller/shop.

17 Feb 2023

  • Added As Admin, I must be able to edit homepage content for ALL sections, including ALL images.

  • Added [sunset] v6 merged into v7!

  • Added: Coinbase Commerce API support as a payment gateway

  • (see all Payment info HERE)

  • Added As Admin, I must be able to change footer logo and copyright notice.

14 Feb 2023

  • Added Make all web panels responsive.

  • Added CoinPayments as a payment gateway

  • Added Give Admin the ability to make coupons apply to seller subscription plans.

v7.1.1.1 (hot fixes & updates)

  • Added: Redesigned customer web

  • Added: Coupon page

  • Added Other bug fixes

10 Feb 2023

v7.1.1.0m is a major Iteration/update match with v7.1.1.0m

  • Added: Fully Responsive Design (Across all devices) enhancements.

  • Added: all 3 mobile apps updates

  • Added: new server security cluster updates

  • Added: all internal Development docs moved to central repo.

v7.1.1.0m (Major Iteration/Update) - 2 Feb 2023

  • Added: Fully Responsive Design (Across all devices)

  • Added: Enhanced FCM Notification (With Images)

  • Added: Import Product from xlsx (Bulk)

  • Added: Customer Preference (Favorite category)

  • Added: Low stock

  • Added: "Recommended For You" section in customer Home screen

  • Improve: Search filter using customer preference

  • Improve: Use dynamic user profile image & Add better placeholder

  • Improve: Food module can add product to cart direct from search screen

  • Improve: Make invoice better to view

  • Improve: Cache network request, results

  • Improve: Add shop information in delivery app

  • Bug fixes completed

v7.1.0.1m (Hot fixes) - 21 Jan, 2023

  • Fix: some small bugs

v7.1.0.0m - 20 Jan, 2023

  • Initial Base v7 Version


Last updated