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dApps and DeFi

Decentralized Apps

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What is DeFi

  • Purpose

    • Decentralized finance is a Web3-based development and deployment framework, or DeFi.

    • It uses emerging Web3 technology to remove third parties and centralized institutions from financial transactions.

  • The components of DeFi are...

    • stablecoins,

    • software,

    • and hardware that enable the development of dApps.

  • We use advanced custom DeFi tools & techniques to develop Decentralized Apps aka dApps.

So, what are dApps actually?

  • Decentralized applications (aka dApps) are digital applications or programs that exist and run on a blockchain or peer-to-peer (P2P) network of computers instead of a single computer or centralized cluster of some sort.

  • dApps are thus outside the purview and control of a single authority.

Our Verified Token

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Our Tokens (details)

Our Verified dApps

  • We have developed & deployed custom dApps for our use-case.

  • They are fully DeFi-compliant & verifiable on the Blockchain (Polygon).

  • Backends that scale with Polygon and cross-chain.

  • They integrate and deploy our custom Smart Contracts.

  • An example feature is our Burn(ing) for Token.

  • (controlled by community consensus)

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Burn and Buybacks

Our Verified Smart Contracts

  • Source code verification is very important to everyone and it provides transparency for all users and stakeholders interacting with all our smart contracts.

  • By uploading our Smart Contract source code, PolygonScan, as an independent third-party match our compiled code with that on the blockchain.

  • Just like contracts, a "smart contract" should provide end users with more information on what they are "digitally signing" for and give users an opportunity to audit the code to independently verify that it actually does what it is supposed to do.

  • The FULL Token Verification is given below...

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Airdrops (FREE tokens!)Blockchain/Web3 (dev)Blockchain/Web3 (changelog)IntegrationsTestingBlockchain/Web3

© Copyright 2024 Shopzyte (brand) Partnered Brand Marketplace Tools by Lisaiceland (DBA). Proudly made with 💞in the USA. An opensource partnered project that has AI with Blockchain, and a mainstay climate mitigation feature. All registrations and rights are protected and reserved worldwide.

Last updated