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What Is the Purpose of a DAO?

  • It's NOT magic. It's simple math and science-based tech implementations.

  • DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO)is intended to improve the traditional management structure of many companies.

  • Instead of relying on a single individual or small collection of individuals to guide the direction of the entity, a DAO intends to give every member a voice, vote, and opportunity to propose initiatives.

  • A DAO also strives to have strict governance that is dictated by code on a blockchain.

Are we a DAO?

  • We are NOT a DAO in the strictest interpretation of the technical definition.

  • With our community governance features, we do have some similar connections.

  • Lots of it is actually in the code in our Smart Contracts, e.g. for Token, NFTs.

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© Copyright 2024 Shopzyte (brand) Partnered Brand Marketplace Tools by Lisaiceland (DBA). Proudly made with 💞in the USA. An opensource partnered project that has AI with Blockchain, and a mainstay climate mitigation feature. All registrations and rights are protected and reserved worldwide.

Last updated