Why Polygon?

"The Internet of Blockchains"

DISCLAIMER: We are in no way connected to the Polygon organization.


Near-Zero Gas Fees

  • Support the most widely used Ethereum scaling ecosystem that offers EVM compatibility

  • ...and

  • an ultimate user experience with fast transactions at near-zero gas fees today, not tomorrow or some far-off date in the future.

Evolutionary to Revolutionary

  • Polygon team's implementations as a Layer-2 solution is revolutionary.

  • Seriously we're not kidding. It's that critically important to crypto right now.

  • Known as Matic before, it was mostly a scaling solution (β€œLayer 2”) for Ethereum until it rebranded to Polygon.

  • The WoW moment...Then, the team developed and entire infrastructure.

  • After the re-branding and launch of the newly-build up Network it became a much more ambitious blockchain interoperability project (like Polkadot and Cosmos).

  • Polygon seeks to broaden the horizons of cryptocurrency adoption by ensuring that transactions are affordable and fast, compatible with a variety of scaling solutions.

Proven Scalability on Ethereum

  • Specifically, using the EVM.

  • Polygon (aka in our case, the "network") is built on Ethereum Layer-2.

  • Specifically Polygon Proof-of-Stake (PoS).

  • Polygon PoS is one of the most used protocols in the world right now.

  • Solidly & sufficiently future-proofed.

  • The network has tens of thousands of dApps, more than 3 million average daily transactions.

  • It has $5 billion in secured assets, and some of the top brands building on it.

  • From its origins as a plasma chain, Polygon has evolved into a multichain powerhouse.

  • It provides developers and creators with the tools they need to build innovative, secure, and scalable blockchain solutions.

  • It has revolutionized how we interact with the world by building on and participating in the Polygon ecosystem.

Q: Is the Polygon Mainnet on EVM?

  • Polygon is an EVM-compatible network.

  • Which means you can use your MetaMask wallet to access dapps on Polygon. You will have the same address.

  • You just need to make sure you have Polygon added as a network in MetaMask, and switch between Ethereum and Polygon as appropriate.

Ethereum Backgrounder

As the second biggest cryptocurrency after Bitcoin, Ethereum is known as β€œthe mother of decentralized applications.” Here are three key Ethereum use-cases:

ZK: Key Operative Word is "Layer-2"

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